Mangrove planting at Olango sanctuary
Cebu Daily News (March 5, 2010) — As part of its corporate social responsibility initiative, The Islands Group joined the mangrove-planting activity last Feb. 21 on Olango Island, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu.
The activity was organized by VSO Bahaginan in barangay San Vicente, Olango Island.
The VSO is an international development organization that promotes volunteering among 45 developing nations in the world, including the Philippines.
Thirty employee volunteers of the Islands Group joined other volunteers from the Philippine Business for Social Progress, Rotary Club of Mactan and the Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation to plant a total of 10,000 mangrove propagules of Bakauan bato or Rhizophora stylosa at the Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary (OIWS), which serves as a temporary resting place for migratory birds from all over the world.
The Islands Group planted approximately 1,500 propagules in less than an hour.
The Islands Group subsidiaries, composed of Islands Souvenirs, Islands Banca Cruises, Islands and More, Islands Pasalubong Center, non-profit foundation Our Islands and management and staff believe in the idea that people have to give back to nature.